
Hi, I'm Alejandra and this is my website. Here you can find all of the things I do and like. I'm currently stuying to become a full-stack developer, so most of the things you'll find on my blog are probably related to that, but I'm actually an artist by profession.

I started making music at around 15 years old, always loved heavy metal, kinda wanted to play bass (Steve Harris was a big inspiration for me), but I had a guitar in my house so that became my main instrument. I do play the piano, mostly the romantics, specially Chopin and Schubert, but it'll take a while before I can write anything like them lol.

My main musical project is mulmeyun. It was born on 2017 and I'm proud of doing everything related to it by myself. I compose and play all the instruments, as well as record, mix and master all the tracks. All the graphics are mine and I even 3D modeled a character to be the image of my virtual band. I say virtual cause all the magic happens in the box. The songs feature singing synthesizers. I fell in love with Hatsune Miku as soon as I knew about her. She allowed me and countless others to have a voice and connect with people all around the world. I'm forever grateful to everyone that worked on her, even though I don't use her voice exclusively.

If you want to listen to my work you can follow me on Youtube, Spotify and Bandcamp. I eventually want to host my music independently, but for now you'll have to do with that.

The reason I want to self-host everything is cause I'm a firm believer in free software (free as in freedom). The digital realm is really the only place where a kind of positive communism can happen. If you want to learn more about that you can look through my blog. I'm a linux nerd and will be posting entries about software, not neccesarily tutorials, I'm more interested in the philosophy of computing, that is not to say I won't use this as a wiki of sorts were I to require a technical guide for my future self.

What else can I say about myself? I guess it is important to mention that I'm a woman of transgender experience. I don't do it to be a role model, i just don't want to hide that part of me cause I did that for most of my life.

Oh and I studied art at university. I focused mostly on drawing and painting, but my passion for technology ended up seeping into my visual work, so the most interesting things I've done in that field have to do with cybernetics. You can check my portfolio in the work section of this page.

That's about all I wanna share with you right now, don't want to bore you too much, but if you wanna chat send me an email through the contact form in this page, I'll be sure to check back with you as soon as I can.

Bye bye.